Athletes identify with pressure. We know what it means to push our bodies to extremes, to get stronger, better, faster. The goalposts are constantly shifting in our field of vision, with new heights, new achievements, and new mountaintops to reach. We fixate on ways to improve, never satisfied with the trophies, championships, or accolades we have received. 

Play Smarter

The Disruptor


I know this because I’ve lived it. I dedicated my 17-year career in netball to becoming the best netball player that I could be. I succeeded in achieving everything I wanted from the sport that I put my mind to. My life - both on and off the field – has been one perfect performance after another. But the championships and medals and winning games weren’t what satisfied me. It was quite the opposite. I felt stifled, frustrated, and discontent with my life despite how it may have looked. One of the most consistent pieces of feedback I’ve received throughout my life has been that I look like I have it all together. If only people knew that during a lot of those times when, on the outside, it seemed like I was handling things effortlessly, I was falling apart internally. 

What’s Next?

One that asks me to show up authentically in all the spheres that I inhabit. Whether it’s in my new sporting career, where I get to work with teams, athletes, and leadership to build robust culture and synergy, or with my core network of friends who cheer me on in every endeavor, or at home with my husband and kids, I am being called to step into the most important title I’ve ever had: Renae

I am in a new, exciting era of my life. 

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